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Techne e Sophia 2023 International conference on the topic of Artificial Intelligence

Ethics and Law: what boundaries are we to set to Artificial Intelligence?

Techne & Sophia is a project which aims to create a shared space between, on the one hand, the world of science and technology and, on the other, the world of ethics, law, politics and society.
Scientific and technological progress advances hand in hand with the awareness of its societal implications. Progress can only be justifiably called progress when it is a common good, when it improves all aspects of life on this planet. Therefore, it is important that these two worlds, often regarded as isolated, even conflicting, may find a space of encounter, of challenge, provocation, questioning, of curiosity and of growth.

Convento Santa Chira Tropea-2023

Techne and Sophia aims to be that space. An annual gathering dedicated to the debate between two worlds that are, in the end, two waves of the same ocean: progress.

conference ai tropea


Agenzia Comunicazione Curiositas

MSCU Proknowledge

With the patronage of

Tropea Stemma

Universita Cosenza Calabria

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